Friday, December 28, 2007

Ökoturismi Kärajad

Ökoturismi Kärajad; 2.jaanuaril 2008.a. Waide motellis, Tartumaal

Oodatud on kõik asjalised, kelle töö või huvid seotud turismi,
loodushoiu ja kultuuripärandiga ning kellel sooviks kaasa lüüa
ökoturismi arengus uuel aastal.
Kärajad toimuvad Avatud Ruumi Meetodil, kus kõigil osalejatel on teda
huvitavatel teemadel võimalik agaralt kaasa rääkida.

10.00-10.30 Saabumine, kohv, tee
10.30 tervitused, sõnavõtud ja ruumi avamine
11.00 Esimene avatud ruum
13.00-14.00 Lõuna
14.00 Teine avatud ruum
16.00 Töötubade kokkuvõtted
17.00 Ruumi sulgemine ja lõpetamine

Osavõtutasu 150.- krooni, Eesti Ökoturismi Ühenduse liikmetele 100.- krooni

Kärajatele registreerumiseks kandke palun osavõtutasu Eesti Ökoturismi
Ühenduse arveldusarvele 1120157667. Selgitusse pange oma nimi ja "kärajad"

Lisainfo: ja
telefonidel 5061896 (Aivar), 5133910 (Peep)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Enterprise Estonia in co-operation with OÜ Kumari Reisid and State Nature Conservation Centre presents:

On 27th of November 2007 at 11.00 network seminar in Matsalu National Park (Nature Centre) in Penijõe


Number of tourists, who has a deep interest in especially birdwatching and nature tours, has increased impetuously over the past decade. This is a very qualitative and responsible branch of tourism. Tour packages are made and sold mostly by specialized travel agencies. Tours are organized to different countries all over the world, including Estonia. Estonia is foremost attractive because of it’s well-preserved nature and coign of vantage in terms of location and climate. Our landscapes are still habitats for rare birds of prey and our seacoasts for millions of migratory birds.

What are the possibilities for birdwatching and nature tourism in Estonia- view from outside?

Is it only a vision or already functioning reality?

Can the image of Estonia be “Green and sustainable”?

Is nature tourism hindering or supporting the objectives of nature conservation?

What kind of co-operation and networking have to be developed already today in order to prevent threats tomorrow?

What kind of developent activities have to be planned on national level?

These are the questions that need to be answered jointly during the seminar.

10.30 Arrival, coffee

11.00 Opening words / J.Tuusti, State Nature Conservation Centre, head director

11.10 Future of birdwatching and nature tourism in Estonia. How to market and to which countries? G.Broddelez, Belgia (Tour leader, operator and screenwriter of nature films)

12.00 Birdwatching and nature tourism help to design the image of Estonia. Experience of Estonian Nature Tours in the international market / M.Mann, Kumari Reisid OÜ travel agency

12.30 Who are the customers for birdwatching tourism and what are they interested in when coming to Estonia? Experience of a bird guide / M.Kose, University of Tartu Pärnu College, researcher on implementation of natural resources

13.15 Lunch

14.00 Ethics in birdwatching tourism. What are the threats and co-operation possibilities on a national level? I.Ojaste / State Nature Conservation Centre, specialist in protection of species

14.45 Development of birdwatching tourism in Finland, experience of Finnature / U.Matturi, nature tourism expert, Avescon

15.30 Coffee break and workshops. Preliminary action plan on the priorities of birdwatching tourism development projects will be determined during the workshops / T.Tarma, Enterprise Estonia, consultant on tourism product development

17.00 Results of the workshops / T.Tarma ja M.Mann

Monday, November 12, 2007

Seminar in Pärnu on tourism marketing

Seminar “Effective conference tourism marketing
in German and Swedish markets”
13.-14.November 2007 in Pärnu
13. November
09.30 Registration and morning coffee
10.10 - 10.40 Moderator Kevin Cottam` s opening words
10.40 - 11.30 Group work
11.30 - 12.30 German MICE market importance and overview of German MICE research 2007
Speaker: Johanna Fischer
12.30 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.00 German PCO-s: Values and destination selection criteria. Ulrich Wiener
15.00 - 15.30 Coffee break
15.30 - 17.30 PR in Swedish tourism market today and tomorrow. Helena McShane
10.00 – 11.00 Parallel workshops
Workshop 1. Best practice for your marketing in the German outbound MICE market – do` s and
dont`s. Johanna Fischer
Workshop 2. Analysis of Estonian three conference towns: Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu. Ulrich Wiener
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 - 12.30 Design a sensational Event. Kevin Cottam
12.30 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 16.00 Design a sensational Event continues
16.00 – 16.45 Summary of two seminar days by moderator
17.00 End of the seminar

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Workshop „PAN Parks as a tool to improve management effectiveness in protected areas”

25th October 2007, Tõramaa (Soomaa National Park Visitor Centre)


10.30 – 11.00 Arrival to Tõramaa (Soomaa National Park Visitor Centre)
11.00 – 11.15 Welcome - Enn Vilbaste (SNCC Pärnu-Viljandi Region, director) , Tõnis Korts (Soomaa Cooperation Panel)
11.15 – 12.00 PAN Parks as a tool to improve management effectiveness in protected areas - Vlado Vancura (PAN Parks Foundation, conservation manager)
12.00 – 12.30 State Nature Conservation Centre’s vision about visitor management and nature education in Estonian protected areas - Taime Puura (SNCC, head specialist on nature education and visitor management)
12.30. – 13.00 The management of Soomaa National Park – retrospect to the last decade - Meelis Suurkask (SNCC Pärnu-Viljandi, conservation planning specialist)
13.00 – 13.30 Potential Local Partners View on the Opportunities and Challenges of PAN Parks Network - Aivar Ruukel (soomaa. com, entrepreneur)
13.30 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 16.00 Discussion « Soomaa as potential PAN Park »
Lead by Murel Merivee (SNCC Pärnu-Viljandi, conservation planning specialist)

Registration : 5101175 up to 23.10.2007

Information about PAN Parks Federation:

Europa`s Wilderness Days

European network of wilderness protected areas - PAN Parks, celebrated its 10 years and had the Annual Partner Meeting in the region of Rila National Park, near the town Razlog, southwestern Bulgaria, in October 8-12.

The PAN Parks network was created by WWF to preserve the European biodiversity but since its establishment in 1997 it slightly changed its concept. Now, its main purpose is not only biodiversity preservation but also ecotourism development in the national parks of the network. There are currently 9 certified national parks in the network: Majella National Park – Italy, Oulanka National Park – Finland, Paanajarvi National Park – Russia, Central Balkan National Park and Rila National Park – Bulgaria, Bieszczady National Park - Poland, Fulufjället National Park - Sweden, Borjomi Kharagauli National Park - Georgia, Retezat National Park - Romania.

More than 100 participants, from about 20 countries, took part in the conference. Themes covered in keynote speeches and issues that was discussed in the workshops included : marketing and product development of tourism products, SME`s working together on collaborative marketing, eco-certification, strengthening the PAN Parks brand and others.

More about how to support, preserve, enjoy Europe's wilderness, see website
My pictures from conference, field-trips and celebration.

Aivar Ruukel
ecotourism operator based in
Soomaa National Park, Estonia

Estonian Ecotourism

Friday, September 28, 2007

ECOLL Final seminar in Estonia

ECOLL project last seminar took place 26. of September. I had a presentation about Estonian Wcotourism Quality label EHE.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Antonis Petropoulos visiting bogs of Soomaa

Antonis Petropoulos from had a short visit to Tallinn, Estonia. He was invited as key speaker to seminar on recreation and ecotourism. Antonis used his time efficiantly, exploring also forest of Lahemaa national pak and bogs of Soomaa national park.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007

Meeting with Murray Simpson in Tartu

Murray is from Oxford University , and hopefully he will going to teach Nature Tourism at our University of Life Sciences, in Tartu.

Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 31, 2007

ECOLL MEETING IN KRAKOW 3.06.2007-7.06.2007

03.06 (Sunday) – arrivals, meeting in the hotel (evening)
21.-23.00 – Concert: Krakow’s artists for Krakow at the Market Square

04.06. (Monday)
Breakfast at the hotel
1. Introduction of meeting, introducing the programme. 09.30 – 10.15
2. Overview of ECOLL homepage and its structure. 10.30 – 11.15
(checking the data, modules etc. Internet connection needed)
3. Foreign language module (module 5) – syllabus, structure, teaching/learning materials. 11.30 – 12.15
I prepare an example, how could it done using PowerPoint. It is just my idea.
(I don´t know who will come from Italy, yet. Perhaps this time we could work in groups Heiki, Marta, Paola I group module V
And Grazia, Sirkka –Liisa, Esa somebody from Poland module VI)
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
4. Finland – Esa Säkkinen module III 13.45 – 14.30
5. Estonia – Aivar Ruukel – module VIII 14.45 – 15.30
6. Finland – Sirkka –Liisa – module II 15.45 – 16.30
21.00-23.00- JAZZ NIGHT: Tomasz Stanko concert – modern and classical at the Market Square

05.06 (Tuesday)
Breakfast at the hotel
Dinner at the hotel

06.06 (Wednesday)
Breakfast at the hotel
9.00 - meeting in the City Hall
10.30 – meeting at school
1.Poland - Module VIII –
2.Italy – Module VI
3.Documentation of the project
4.Summary - Evaluation,
13.00- lunch at the hotel
17.00 -Sightseeing KAZIMIERZ (the Jewish District)

07.06. (Thursday) Departures

Monday, May 14, 2007

Global Ecotourism Conference

Aivar Ruukel from Karuskose ( is participating on the Global Ecotourism Conference, taking place on May 14-16, 2007 in Oslo, Norway. This event is organized by The International Ecotourism Society (TIES), Ecotourism Norway, The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

This conference brings together national and regional ecotourism associations and networks from around the world, along with other interested organizations and individuals, to discuss common issues and to help strengthen the collective voice of the ecotourism community.

The participants of the conference will be given the invaluable opportunity to be part of the growing global movement for ecotourism, which is playing a crucial part in ensuring that travel and tourism remains a viable sector of the global economy and that it is environmentally, as well as financially, sustainable.

Aivar Ruukel is making a presentation on the topic "Lifelong Learning in Ecotourism", where he analyses the lessons learned in his tourism activities in Soomaa national park and also presents the ideas of ECOLL-project.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

EHE-märgi koolitus Harjumaal

Lepiku talus, Maaturismi eestvõttel ja EAS Turismiagentuuri toetusel.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Pärnumaa esimesele turismikonverentsile

Homme toimub.
0900-0930 Saabumine ja kohvi

0930-1000 Avamine ja sissejuhatus, Toomas Kivimägi, Pärnu MV

1000-1020 Ettevõtmise ilu ja valu maal, Annely Akkermann, Kihnu VV

1020-1040 Ettevõtmise ilu ja valu linnas, Ene Tohv, Ammende Villa

1040-1130 Mõttevahetuspaneel ...2007, Aivar Ruukel (, Riina Müürsepp (PKHK), Jaak Valge (Lepanina hotell), Viivika Orula (Reiser/PKB)

1130-1200 Kohvipaus

1200-1220 Pärnu linna turismi/turunduskava tutvustus, Kaido Koppel, Pärnu LV

1220-1240 Päike Pärnumaa - puhke- ja turismimajanduse sümbol, Heli Tooman, TÜPK

1240-1300 Kus on kogukond ?, Heli Müristaja, TÜPK

1300-1400 Lõuna

1400-1420 SA Pärnumaa Turism tutvustus, Ain Hinsberg, SAPT/TÜPK

1420-1450 Suur-Pärnu 2020 ning Pärnumaa puhkemajanduse ja turismi arengukava, Urmas Kase, Pärnu MV

1450-1510 Pärnumaa tegelik regionaalne fookus, Peeter Võrk, PWP

1510-1600 Mõttevahetuspaneel 2007... – Marika Priske (MKM), Tarmo Mutso (EAS TAK), Tarmo Bachman (Nordic Hotels), Heiki Mägi (Pärnu MV), Liis Meeras (TÜPK)

1600-1630 Lõpetamine

Osalejaid vaata kolledzhi kodulehelt

Friday, March 30, 2007

Motiveeritud juht ja edukas müük

Maaelu Arengu Instituut kutsub 26.-27. aprillil Võrumaale Vaskna Turismitalusse seminarile

Motiveeritud juht ja edukas müük ,

Et saada juurde vaimset kosutust ning enne uut starti veidi keskkonda vahetada ja akusid laadida.

Kui Sa leiad enda jaoks järgnevast loetelust olulisi küsimusi, siis läheb meie poolt kavandatud seminar kümnesse:

  • Kas mul jätkub piisavalt energiat ja enesemotivatsiooni, et uus hooaeg kulgeks edukalt?
  • Kas minu pakkumine on atraktiivne ka pikemas perspektiivis?
  • Miks külastajad mind üles ei leia?
  • Miks ei võiks iga broneerimisvestlus lõppeda uue kliendiga?
  • Miks mul on väike korduvkülastajate osakaal?
  • Mida teha kapriissete klientidega ja kuidas ennast säästa?
  • jne....

Üheskoos leiame lahendusi nii nendele kui ka teie poolt seminari käigus tõstatatud probleemidele.

Üritust juhivad:

Lea Sudakova – maj.tead.mag. maaettevõtluse alal, Maaelu Arengu Instituudi teemajuht, Maaülikoolis õpetab alates 1998.a.-st ainet “Maaturismi arendamine”

Kaupo Saue – psühholoog, Arendusfirma Creates organisatsioonikonsultant

Käsitletavad teemad:

  • Enesemotivatsiooni leidmine.
  • Konfliktide ennetamine, lahendamine
  • Suhtlemisoskuste arendamine
  • Aktiivne müük
  • Unikaalse müügiargumendi leidmine
  • Terviklik toode broneerimisest kohalejõudmiseni ning kvaliteetsest teenindusest külastaja ärasaatmiseni
  • Läbi teiste vigade õppimine: kuidas võib kaotada kliendi, endale arugi andmata. Praktilised kogemused, juhtumid
  • Millega Vaskna Turismitalu oma kliente hoiab?
  • Eduka turismiettevõtte väärtused, põhimõtted

Saate kogeda uudseid osalus- ja aktiivõppe meetodeid.

Grupi suurus kuni 15 osalejat - anna osalemisest teada hiljemalt 19. aprilliks

Täpsem info ja eelregistreerimine e-post:; tel. 742 1859, 5667 2900

Külasta ka meie kodulehekülge

Koolituse maksumus on 4500 krooni + käibemaks 18%


EAS-i koolitustoetuse programmist on võimalik saada toetust 70% ulatuses koolituse maksumusest Arvesta, et taotluste menetlemine võib võtta 21 tööpäeva, seega anna osalemissoovist võimalikult kiiresti teada, et jõuaksid õigeaegselt esitada taotluse avalduse. Osaleda soovijaile esitame vajalikud koolitajapoolsed dokumendid ja eelarve.

Taotle kindlasti!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Meeting in Stockholm

Posted by Picasa
Treffpunkt Stockholm, Vildmarksmässan.
Aivar Ruukel from Estonian Ecotourism Association , Anna Martinez from Swedish Ecotourism Society , and Jan Wisten, man who is well known both in Estonia, Sweden and Mongolia

Friday, March 16, 2007

Pärnumaa 1. Turismikonverents

Pärnu MV, TÜPK ja SA Pärnumaa Turism korraldavad koostöös:

Pärnumaa 1. Turismikonverents "1989 - 2007 - 2027", 5.04.2007, TÜ Pärnu Kolledž

0900-0930 Saabumine ja kohvi

0930-1000 Avamine ja sissejuhatus - Turism - kas läbikäidud etapp või kasutamata võimalus, Toomas Kivimägi, Pärnu MV

1000-1020 Ettevõtmise ilu ja valu maal, Annely Akkermann, Kihnu VV

1020-1040 Ettevõtmise ilu ja valu linnas, Ene Tohv, Ammende Villa

1040-1130 Mõttevahetuspaneel ...2007 - Aivar Ruukel (, Riina Müürsepp (PKHK), Jaak Valge (Lepanina hotell), Viivika Orula (Reiser/PKB)

1130-1200 Kohvipaus

1200-1220 Pärnu linna turismi/turunduskava tutvustus, Kaido Koppel, Pärnu LV

1220-1240 Päike Pärnumaa - puhke- ja turismimajanduse sümbol, Heli Tooman, TÜPK

1240-1300 Kus on kogukond ?, Heli Müristaja, TÜPK

1300-1400 Lõuna

1400-1420 SA Pärnumaa Turism tutvustus, Ain Hinsberg, SAPT/TÜPK

1420-1450 Suur-Pärnu 2020 ning Pärnumaa puhkemajanduse ja turismi arengukava, Urmas Kase, Pärnu MV

1450-1510 Pärnumaa tegelik regionaalne fookus, Peeter Võrk, PWP

1510-1600 Mõttevahetuspaneel 2007... � Marika Priske (MKM), Tarmo Mutso (EAS TAK), Tarmo Bachman (Nordic Hotels), Heiki Mägi (Pärnu MV), Liis Meeras (TÜPK)

1600-1630 Lõpetamine

Osalemine tasuta, kuid ainult registreerunutele, sest osalejate arv on piiratud auditooriumi mahuga (80 kohta). Osalemiseks palutakse registreeruda hiljemalt 29.04

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Rahvusvaheline konverents “Piire ületav turism”

Rahvusvaheline konverents “Piire ületav turism”
Valgas 27. märtsil 2007.a.

09:30 registreerimine ja hommikukohv

10:00 tervitussõnad Valga ja Valka Linnavalitsuse poolt

10:10 Briti suursaadiku avasõnad

10:20 seminari moderaatori avasõnad

Turismi infrastruktuuri areng

10:25 Ökoturism (mida tähendab ökoturism ja milliseid valdkondi katab ökoturismi infrastruktuur)
Kathy Velander, Napier Ülikool

10:45 Majutusstandardid ja kvaliteedikontroll
Stephen Spencer, Ascension Solutions

11:05 EL poolt rahastatud projektid ja infrastruktuur

11:25 Turismiklastri loomine
David Sim, Open Brolly

11:45 Turismiobjekti juhtimine
(igapäevased küsimused, mis on seotud turismiobjekti juhtimisega)
David McIntyre, Team Tourism

12:05 küsimused ja vastused

12:15 kohvipaus

Turismi arendamine

12:40 Uue turismitoote arendamine

13:00 Aktiivpuhkus
Dorothy Breckenbridge, CNDO Stirling

13:20 Sihtkohtade turundamine
(kuidas müüa turismitooteid, suhelda reisikorraldajatega, interneti kasutamine jne)
Ken McNab, The Edinburgh Travel Company

13:40 Hooajariskide vähendamine ja kõrghooaja pikendamine
Roger Evans, R G Evans Associates

14:00 Muutuste juhtimine
(kiire reageerimine kliendi vajaduste muutustele ja mõned praktilised näited)
Judith Ellerton, Ellerton Training

14:20 lõpusõnad

14:30 buffet lõuna ja kontaktide loomine

Monday, February 26, 2007

Travel 2.0

Kuum teema. Marketing in the Age of Customer Control.

Wikipedia defines Web 2.0 as referring to a perceived or proposed second generation of Internet-based services that emphasise online collaboration and sharing among users. Certainly, travel companies are seeking to embrace Web 2.0, but what does it mean in practice and what are the implications for the industry?

Upcoming conference Travel in the Web 2.0 World.

Social networking and the travel industry

Monday, January 29, 2007

Intrenetiturunduse konsultatsioonid

Konsulteerisin ViaHanseatika koolitusprojekti raames 4 Tartumaa ja 3 Ida-Virumaa ettevõtjat internetiturunduse alal.